Bangka and Belitung are two islands easily accessible from Jakarta over a weekend. Whilst there are no peaks with over 1,000 metres of prominence in the province, the highpoints of the two main islands are both good half-days out. The islands are better-known for their beaches, and there are some good places to stay on the coasts of both islands. At the time of writing (2018) there is a daily Wings Air flight connecting the two islands which means you can visit both in the same trip, though this might be best done over 3 days rather than a regular weekend.

A Selection of Photos of Bangka Belitung’s Spesials

Map of Bangka Belitung’s Spesials

Download these peaks as a kml file.

Statistics and Links to Bangka Belitung’s Spesials




Ribu Category     


Maras (Bui) 705m 705 m Google MarkerSpesial Bangka  
Tajam 510m 510 m Google MarkerSpesial Belitung  

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