Worldwide Ribus
Since 2019, a group of mountain lovers scattered across the globe have been putting together a list of all the Ribus in the world, with information such as name, elevation and prominence. There are 7150. A first edition of the list is now available on the World Ribus website and in The Relative Mountains of Earth: The Ribus (Pedantic Press, 2024).
If you would like to work out how many Ribus you have climbed elsewhere in the world, or check if a favourite peak is indeed a Ribu, simply consult the World Ribus website to see if the peak has been confirmed as a Ribu andor purchase the official publication via Pedantic Press.
A Sub-Ribu is a peak with a prominence of between 990 metres and 999 metres and therefore fails to quality as a Ribu by ten metres or less. This sub-list is published as an appendix to the main list. At the most recent count in October 2024, there are 226 Sub-Ribus.
Background and history: According to Andrew Kirmse‘s excellent Fusion Table in 2017 covering all peaks in the world down to a prominence of 300 feet (!), there were approximately 6637 Ribus globally. His improved and revised list using GLO-30 DEM (Digital Elevation Model) in 2023 gave a figure of 6842. Because the current methods for obtaining elevation data remain imprecise, checking these one-by-one is necessary in order to produce the best quality list. The latest count by the World Ribus project (see below) in October 2024 is 7150. Those identified include 9 in Taiwan, 66 in The Philippines, 14 in Australia (including 3 in Tasmania) and 81 in New Zealand (including 4 on the North Island). For the complete list, please consult the publication The Relative Mountains of Earth: The Ribus (Pedantic Press, 2024).