“Gunung Bragging!” – The Hall of Fame List 2024

Below is the fifteenth edition of the Gunung Bagging Hall of Fame (for end of 2024).

A new edition of the list is published at the end of every year. Note that Ribus tally on this page refers to peaks covered by the Gunung Bagging site, namely those in Indonesia, Malaysia and East Timor. Ribus outside of that geographical area are counted separately as ‘Worldwide Ribus’.

Please read the notes below the list and contact us if you wish to be listed next year. Links to previous years… 2023;2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010

  • Ranking: 1
  • Name: Daniel Quinn
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth: 1981
  • Number of Ribus: 94
  • Number of Spesials: 65
  • Worldwide Ribus: 6
  • Ribus: Agung, Ambang, Ambeso, Argopuro, Arjuno, Batukaru, Bawang, Benum, Berumput (Kanyi), Besar (Halau Halau), Bintang, Bubu, Bujang Melaka, Bukit Raya, Bukittunggul, Buku Sibela, Bulu Nti, Bur ni Kelieten, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Dola Koyakoya, Doro Dindi, Ebulobo, Fatu Timau, Galunggung (Beuticanar), Gamalama, Gamkonora, Ili Boleng, Ili Labalekang, Ili Mandiri, Ili Uyelewun, Inerie, Jailolo, Kahung, Karang, Keli Lepembusu, Kerinci, Kiematubu, Kinabalu (Low’s Peak), Klabat, Korbu, Lamongan (Tarub), Lawu, Liang, Liman, Magdalena, Marapi, Masurai, Mekongga, Merapi, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobatang, Mulu, Muria, Murud, Mutis, Olet Sangenges, Ophir / Ledang, Pangrango, Papandayan (Malang), Penanggungan, Pesagi, Pesawaran (Ratai), Poco Ngandonalu, Rajabasa, Ramelau, Rantemario, Raung, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Saran, Sawal, Semeru, Seulawah Agam, Sibuatan, Sinabung, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Sumbing, Tahan, Talakmau, Talang, Tambora, Tampomas, Tanggamus, Tapis, Tompotika, Trusmadi, Ungaran, Wanggameti
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Angsi, Anjasmoro, Banda Api, Batu Putih, Batur, Bawakaraeng, Besar Hantu, Bombalai Hill, Bongkok, Bromo (Pananjakan), Bukit Kutu, Bukit Lagong, Bukit Larut (Gunung Hijau), Bukit Silam, Bukit Unyang, Bunga Buah, Burangrang, Dieng (Prau), Guntur (Masigit), Ili Werung, Irau, Iya, Jantan, Kelam, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Kerenceng, Lokon, Malabar (Puncak Besar), Manado Tua, Manglayang, Mantapok, Mbeliling, Nokilalaki, Nuang, Parang, Patuha, Peninjau, Penrissen, Poco Ranakah, Pulai-Baling, Pulau Bawean (Gunung Besar), Pulosari, Pusuk Buhit, Rajah, Rakata, Raksa, Rakutak, Rembau, Samosir, Sangga Buana, Sebesi, Semangkok, Seminung, Sempana, Sibayak (Pintau), Sidole, Sinsing, Sorikmarapi, Tajam, Tambuyukon, Tangkuban Parahu, Telomoyo, Wayang-Windu, Yong Belar
  • Worldwide Ribus: Ben Nevis (Scotland, UK), Carn Eige (Scotland, UK), Carrauntoohil (Ireland), Doi Inthanon (Thailand), Pulag (Philippines), Snowdon/Yr Wyddfa (Wales, UK)
  • Notes: “On April 19th, I reached the top of my 1000th British Marilyn (simultaneously my 100th Munro) on Sgurr Alasdair, Isle of Skye. As an island highpoint of 992 metres, this peak is Britain’s only Sub-Ribu. I set out before first light from Glenbrittle which is often advantageous but on this day meant it was snowing when I got near the top of the Great Stone Chute scree slope and a there was a light coating of slippery ice on the summit rocks. I left my bag at the col and just about made it to the airy summit. I celebrated with a can of draught Guinness back at the col before descending, just as the sky turned a beautiful blue. I celebrated my 100th Ribu worldwide on Gunung Benum in Malaysia in July. Most of my other hikes were Marilyns in Scotland, including in some beautiful places such as Fisherfield and Torridon. November saw the publication of The Relative Mountains of Earth: The Ribus via Pedantic Press. Around this time I began a follow-up project with Oscar Argudo to identify all Ribus on the Moon and Mars. 2025 is yet to be planned in any great detail.” Now lots of near misses and failed attempts to reach the highest points, including some hilarious anecdotes which didn’t seem quite as funny at the time! -…. vegetation on Ijen-Merapi (07/2010) too dense and guide worried (08/2017), too scared to climb to highest point of Egon (08/2010), no trail to highest peak of Salahutu (12/2010), guide failed to turn up for an ascent of Cyclops (01/2011) so the hike was aborted, got to the summit cliffs of Kelud (02/2011) but had no ropes, got to within stone’s throw of the highest point, Pangulubao trig point only (08/2011), there is no route to the true summit of Ringgit (12/2012), Karangetang simply far too active to hike (02/2013), the trail to Awu leading up the wrong side of the rim (02/13), a smoking Soputan preventing a summit attempt (02/2013), despite Pak Subandi’s help, lack of time and a trail hindered summit attempts on Tujuh (04/2013), lack of trail on Pura (07/2013), columns of sulphurous smoke on the summit cone of Lewotolo (07/2013), cloudy conditions and lack of time to reach the absolute highest point of Lewotobi (07/2013), a trail which avoids the summit on Curunumbeng (07/2013), overgrown distant high point of Kaba with no apparent trail to it (08/2013), insufficient time to get to true summit of Ranai (09/2013), no trail to real summit of Pantaicermin (10/2013), insufficient time to reach true summit of Tondongkarambu, vertical cliffs on Bukit Jempol (11/2013), local people preventing access to Matebean Mane (12/2013) due to it being ‘a bit windy up there’, the sheer vertical cliffs of Daik (03/2017) meaning a summit attempt was never on the cards, a visit only to the more-frequented second-highest peak of Gunung Maras (Bui) on Bangka island (05/2017), lack of time and knowledge for the summit cliffs of Ruang (06/2017), lack of time and knowledge for Gunung Beratus (08/2017), no knowledge of a trail to the true peak of Sebatung (10/2017) or the highest point of Colo on Pulau Una-una (12/2017), northern pillar peak only on Gunung Gawalise (01/2018), col below summit on Pulau Weh (Cot Kulam) (02/18), second highest peak on Santubong (06/18), Serapi viewpoint peak only (10/18), Gading peak only on Gading (Perigi) (10/18), Gunung Botol on Halimun (10/18), to edge of restricted areas on both Gunung Jerai and Western Hill (12/18), didn’t even set foot on Gandangdewata when after 3 months of planning, the guide decided to cancel the morning of departure! (12/18), blocked by bureaucracy and nasty ‘no entry’ signs on Malaysia’s Gunung Irau (01/19), Ulu Kali (02/19) and Raya Langkawi (02/19), too scared on summit cliffs of Tebak (03/21), no trail from Sirung crater to highest peak (04/21), no trail to highest peak on Sabampolulu (05/21), probably no trail to highest peak of Daun (06/21), Dukono crater rim only (09/21), no trail to true summit of Ibu (10/21) or Kie Besi (10/21), slowed down by guide on Kajang (05/22), Belumut true summit is a rock shard (05/22), Nungkok accessible lower peak only (07/23), Api only to Pinnacles viewpoint (07/24), Batu Lawi saddle (07/24), Kenderong-Kerunai Kerunai peak only as Kenderong closed (07/24).” Has also climbed Tandikat (03/2018) and Bur ni Telong (04/2018) both of which would definitely be Spesials if only the col between them and neighbouring parent peaks were a bit lower.
  • Ranking: 2
  • Name: John Hargreaves
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth:
  • Number of Ribus: 55
  • Number of Spesials: 12
  • Worldwide Ribus: 15
  • Ribus: Agung, Arjuno, Batukaru, Besar (Halau Halau), Bukittunggul, Bulu Nti, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Ebulobo, Fatu Timau, Gamalama, Gamkonora, Inerie, Jailolo, Karang, Keli Lepembusu, Kerinci, Kiematubu, Kinabalu (Low’s Peak), Klabat, Lamongan (Tarub), Lawu, Masurai, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobatang, Muria, Mutis, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Poco Ngandonalu, Rajabasa, Ramelau, Rantemario, Raung, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Sawal, Semeru, Sibuatan, Sinabung, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Sumbing, Tahan, Talakmau, Talang, Tambora, Tampomas, Tompotika, Ungaran, Wanggameti
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Banda Api, Batur, Bongkok, Bromo (Pananjakan), Iya, Kaba, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Lokon, Sangga Buana, Sibayak (Pintau), Sorikmarapi
  • Worldwide Ribus: Col Visentin (Italy), Corno Grande (Italy), Großer Arber (Germany), Zugspitze (Germany/ Austria), Grand Ballon (France), Crêt de la Neige (France), Puy de Sancy (France), Turó de l’Home (Spain), Monte Amiata (Italy), Mulhacén (Spain), Torre (Portugal), Yr Wyddfa (Wales), Ben Nevis (Scotland), Carn Eige (Scotland), La Grande Soufrière (Guadeloupe).
  • Notes: “2024 saw limited progress for my gunung bagging numbers, as potential hiking time was disrupted by health issues (early part of the year), family visits (summer vacation) and overwork (later part of the year). However, I did manage to climb Mount Ramelau in Timor Leste, a first visit to the country, which was still under Indonesian colonial rule when I arrived in Jakarta in 1991. This means I have now reached the high points of the 6 largest Lesser Sunda Islands – Timor, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba, Bali and Lombok. Other notes : also climbed to East Peak of Binaiya. Reached crater areas of Marapi (W. Sumatra), Soputan, Ambang, Kie Besi, and Awu, but without summiting.
  • Ranking: 3
  • Name: Mykhailo Pavliuk
  • Nationality: Ukrainian
  • Year of Birth: 1980
  • Number of Ribus: 45
  • Number of Spesials: 14
  • Ribus: Arjuno, Batukaru, Benum, Berumput (Kanyi), Bintang, Bujang Melaka, Bukittunggul, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Ebulobo, Ijen (Merapi), Inerie, Karang, Kerinci, Kinabalu (Low’s Peak), Korbu, Lawu, Liman, Masurai, Merbabu, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Pesagi, Rajabasa, Rantemario, Raung, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Semeru, Seulawah Agam, Sibuatan, Sinabung, Singgalang, Slamet, Soputan, Sumbing, Tahan, Talakmau, Talang, Tambora, Tanggamus, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Angsi, Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Guntur (Masigit), Kaba, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Manglayang, Nuang, Patuha, Poco Ranakah, Semangkok, Seminung, Sorikmarapi, Telomoyo
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Mykhailo is a keen and successful mountain marathon runner who won the 2018 Rinjani marathon in 6hrs 35min! He has to be one of the very few hikers to have ever hiked to Gn Loser alone. He has also climbed Belumut, Santubong, Bandahara and to Laut Tinggal but did not reach the true summits.
  • Ranking: 4
  • Name: Rob Woodall
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth: 1960
  • Number of Ribus: 39
  • Number of Spesials: 4
  • Worldwide Ribus: 824
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Bintang, Bukittunggul, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Egon, Ili Boleng, Ili Labalekang, Inerie, Karang, Karangetang, Kerinci, Kinabalu, Klabat, Lawu, Liman, Marapi, Merbabu, Muria, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Poco Ngandonalu, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Semeru, Seulawah Agam, Sibuatan, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Sumbing, Tahan, Talang, Tapis, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Lokon, Manado Tua, Pulai-Baling, Telomoyo
  • Worldwide Ribus: Available via https://www.peakbagger.com/climber/PeakListC.aspx?sort=prom&cid=569&u=m&pt=avg
  • Notes: “64 Ribus bagged this year, of which neatly, 32 were Ultras. January: Kenya 2, Uganda 3 including Napak an impregnable looking Ribu with no previous logs on Peakbagger, Rwanda 2; we failed on Ribu Sabinyo which as we discovered too late, is only doable from the Uganda side. February: Ethiopia 2 (Guje a previously unlogged ultra done mostly in the dark as the summit was nowhere near where the local guides thought!), Equatorial Guinea 2 including the previously unlogged ultra Gran Caldera de Luba; Sri Lanka 1 – the previously unlogged Namunukla; Réunion 2. July: Turkey 28, mostly Ribus with no previous logs, stats included 4 destroyed tyres, and 3 impromptu meals provided by hospitable locals. August: Mongolia 6 – these ultras unusually busy as we overlapped with Petter Bjørstad and Steven Song’s long trip; Azerbaijan 2 including the spectacular and previously unlogged limestone Ribu Shahdagh. September: Mozambique 1, Malawi 1; Namibia 3, Hohenstein the highlight, an impregnable looking Ribu with no previous information. December: Mexico 6 including Cerro El Volcán Negro which had no previous logs or info; El Salvador 2, the main target Chaparastique which I’d missed in 2017 as it was erupting.” Other notes: Raung hike to crater rim (2007) and Jerai, Western Hill and Ulu Kali (2022) but not to true summits.
  • Ranking: 5
  • Name: Heinz von Holzen
  • Nationality: Swiss
  • Year of Birth:
  • Number of Ribus: 35
  • Number of Spesials: 5
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Batukaru, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Ebulobo, Galunggung (Beuticanar), Gamalama, Ijen-Merapi, Ili Boleng, Inerie, Kerinci, Kiematubu, Kinabalu, Lawu, Merapi, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobatang, Muria, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Ramelau, Rantemario, Rinjani, Salak, Semeru, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Sumbing, Talang, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Dieng (Prau), Kaba, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Visited Kemiri, Raung, Tambora and Marapi but didn’t get to the true summits. Got to within 300 metres of the summit of Papandayan (Malang) in October 2011. Also to Egon and Lewotobi rims in 2013 but “any step further and we would have been cooked.”
  • Ranking: 6
  • Name: Hendri Agustin
  • Nationality: Indonesian
  • Year of Birth:
  • Number of Ribus: 33
  • Number of Spesials: 9
  • Worldwide Ribus: 6
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Binaiya, Bukit Raya, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Gandangdewata, Kerinci, Kinabalu (Low’s Peak), Klabat, Lawu, Masurai, Merapi, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobattang, Pangrango, Puncak Jaya (Carstenzs Pyramid), Rantemario, Rinjani, Salak, Semeru, Sinabung, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Sumbing, Talakmau, Talang, Tambora, Tampomas, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Bawakaraeng, Burangrang, Bromo (Pananjakan), Guntur (Masigit), Manglayang, Patuha, Pulosari, Rakutak
  • Worldwide Ribus: Elbrus (Russia), Fuji (Japan), Hotaka-dake (Japan), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), Kita-dake (Japan), Mera Peak (Nepal)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Pak Hendri is the creator of the Seven Summits of Indonesia concept.
  • Ranking: 7
  • Name: Nicholas Hughes
  • Nationality: Australian
  • Year of Birth: 1947
  • Number of Ribus: 29
  • Number of Spesials: 4
  • Ribus: Tambora (2009/2015), Klabat (2010), Argopura (2010), Kie Matubu (2010, 2011), Merbabu (2010), Galunggung (Beuticanar, 2010), Gamalama (2010, 2011, 2015), Gamkonora (2011, 2015), Jailolo (2011, 2015), Semeru (2011), Butak (2013), Ciremai (2013), Ili Uyelewun (2013), Lawu (2010), Salak (2012), Kerinci (2013), Penanggungan (2013), Leuser ‘Tanpa Nama’ (2014), Ebulobo (2014), Inerie (2014), Mutis (2014), Fatu Timau (2014, 2015), Keli Lepembusu (2014), Sindoro (2015), Arjuno (2015), Muria (2016), Ramelau and Matebean Mane (2018), Karang
  • Spesials: Banda Api (2007), Bromo (1985), Dieng (Prau, 2014), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point, 1975/2009)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Reasons for not reaching summits: Prior to ‘bagging’ summits: Cyclops (1975), Agung (1976), Pangrango (1975), Slamet (2011), Dempo (2011). Dangerous/too difficult: Merapi (1975, 2013), Raung (2011), Lewotolo (2013), Lokon (2010), Anak Krakatau (2011), Karangetang (2013), Dukono (2015). Possible but time limited: Manuk (2007), Ijen-Merapi (2013), Baluran (2012), Ibu (2011); Arfak (Umsini, 2012), Sirung (2013), Pulosari (2013), Lewotobi-Perempuan (climbed Lewotobi-Laki2 by mistake, 2014), Pura (2013), Awu (2013), Pura (2013), Sumbing (2015), Papandayan, Mundo Perdido (2018). Others: crossed Jayawijaya Range east of Baliem valley at 3,700 ms (X-Chain?, 2009), Rantemario (reached Pos 5 – sick; 2009), Batu Tara (oceanic volcano, eruption observed from boat, 2010), Curunumbeng (forbidden due local beliefs, 2013)
  • Ranking: 8
  • Name: Andy Dean
  • Nationality: British / Canadian
  • Year of Birth: 1977
  • Number of Ribus: 29
  • Number of Spesials: 3
  • Worldwide Ribus: 3
  • Ribus: Agung, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Ebulobo, Fatu Timau, Gamalama, Inerie, Karang, Keli Lepembusu, Kerinci, Kiematubu, Klabat, Lawu, Merbabu, Muria, Mutis, Palung (Ponti), Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Semeru, Sindoro, Singgalang, Slamet, Tambora, Tampomas
  • Spesials: Bromo (Pananjakan), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Lokon
  • Worldwide Ribus: Kosciuszko (Australia), Pico Turquino (Cuba), Snowdon (Wales, UK)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Notable attempts: Pangulubao trig point (02/2010), Butak, Papandayan, Anak Krakatau, Raung rim (07/2011).
  • Ranking: 9
  • Name: Gill Dean
  • Nationality: British / Canadian
  • Year of Birth: 1977
  • Number of Ribus: 25
  • Number of Spesials: 3
  • Worldwide Ribus: 2
  • Ribus: Agung, Cikuray, Dempo, Ebulobo, Fatu Timau, Gamalama, Inerie, Keli Lepembusu, Kerinci, Kiematubu, Klabat, Lawu, Merbabu, Mutis, Palung (Ponti), Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rinjani, Sago, Salak, Semeru, Singgalang, Slamet, Tambora, Tampomas
  • Spesials: Bromo (Pananjakan), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Lokon
  • Worldwide Ribus: Kosciuszko (Australia), Pico Turquino (Cuba)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Notable attempts: Pangulubao trig point (02/2010), Butak, Papandayan, Anak Krakatau, Raung rim (07/2011).
  • Ranking: 10
  • Name: Ben Dowson
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth: 1966
  • Number of Ribus: 24
  • Number of Spesials: 9
  • Worldwide Ribus: 18
  • Ribus: Agung (1993), Cikuray (2015), Ciremai (1995), Dempo (2014), Dola Koyakoya (2021), Karang (2020), Karangetang (2016), Kerinci (1992), Kinabalu (1984), Lawu (1999), Merapi (2005), Merbabu (1992), Muria (2020), Mutis (2021), Pangrango (2018), Rajabasa (1994), Ramelau (2016), Rinjani (1993), Salak (1996), Semeru (1991), Sindoro (2010), Slamet (2008), Tambora (2010), Tebak (2021).
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Banda Api, Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Dieng (Prau), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Pulosari, Sangga Buana, Tangkuban Parahu
  • Worldwide Ribus: Alto de Garajonay (Spain – Canary Islands), Apo (Philippines), Ben Nevis (Scotland, UK), Chimborazo (Ecuador), Emory Peak (USA), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), Moldoveanu Peak (Romania), Monte Cinto (Corsica, France), Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of Congo), Pacaya (Guatemala), Pic Boby (Madagascar), Roque de los Muchachos (Spain – Canary Islands), Snowdon (Wales, UK), Teide (Spain – Canary Islands), Vesuvius (Italy), Volcan Tajumulco (Guatemala), Whitney (USA), Zugspitze (Germany)
  • Notes: “2024 was not a great year for me as far as Ribu-bagging is concerned. I was living in Mindanao until September but failed to follow up last year’s summit of Mt Apo with any further significant peaks. I did however manage a sneaky trip to Egypt, where I did the night trek to the top of Mt Sinai. Didn’t receive any commandments up there, but the sunrise was not bad. The last three months of the year was spent on continuous global travel, but this did not include summiting any worldwide Ribus. I did, however, manage a quick trek up to the highest point in the Netherlands – Mt Scenery on the Caribbean island of Saba. Magnificent, but at only 887 metres, not a Ribu. Hoping to do better in 2025.” Also to Colo crater, Sirung crater (1993 and 2021), Sibayak crater, Raung crater rim, Welirang, Gede, Ijen crater and Sumbing crater rim. Also to 100 metres below the summit of Huayna Potosi in Bolivia. Failed on Mount Willhelm (PNG) due to both he and the guide being ‘woefully unprepared’ at the first hut! Also to Wurlali crater (2021) and Volcan de Santa Ana (El Salvador) crater (2021).
  • Ranking: 11
  • Name: Taufan
  • Nationality: Indonesian
  • Year of Birth: 1970
  • Number of Ribus: 24
  • Number of Spesials: 5
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Binaiya, Bukittunggul, Cikuray, Ciremai, Dempo, Kerinci, Lawu, Merapi, Merbabu, Pangrango, Rajabasa, Raung, Rinjani, Salak, Semeru, Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing, Talakmau, Tambora, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Bawakaraeng, Burangrang, Malabar, Pulosari, Tangkuban Perahu
  • Notes: Also hiked to Ibu and Dukono crater rims. “No notes for 2024.”
  • Ranking: 12
  • Name: Roman Gerber
  • Nationality: Swiss
  • Year of Birth:
  • Number of Ribus: 24
  • Number of Spesials: 3
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Batukaru, Butak, Ciremai, Dempo, Ebulobo, Inerie, Kerinci, Kinabalu (Low’s Peak), Lawu, Liman, Merapi, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobatang, Muria, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rinjani, Semeru, Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing
  • Spesials: Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Visited Kemiri, Raung, Tambora, Ijen-Merapi and Marapi but didn’t get to the true summits. Has now climbed Agung 52 times!
  • Ranking: 13
  • Name: Jan Smeenk
  • Nationality: Dutch
  • Year of Birth: 1945
  • Number of Ribus: 23
  • Number of Spesials: 12
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Batukaru, Bukittunggul, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Klabat, Lamongan (Tarub), Lawu, Liman, Merapi, Merbabu, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rajabasa, Rinjani, Semeru, Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Banda Api, Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Burangrang, Dieng (Prau), Guntur (Masigit), Halimun (North), Kelimutu, Kelud, Patuha, Tangkuban Parahu
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” Has also visited Papandayan crater, Egon crater rim (2009), Puncak Trikora area (2008), Lokon crater (2010) and Angkasan in the Leuser range (2010).
  • Ranking: 14
  • Name: Simon Reynolds
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth: 1984
  • Number of Ribus: 23
  • Number of Spesials: 8
  • Worldwide Ribus: 1
  • Ribus: Arjuno, Bukittunggul, Butak, Cikuray, Ciremai, Ebulobo, Gamkonora, Inerie, Jailolo, Karang, Merbabu, Moncong Lompobatang, Muria, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Salak, Sawal, Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing, Tambora, Tampomas, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Batur, Bromo (Penanjakan), Burangrang, Dieng (Prau), Kelimutu, Patuha, Wayang-Windu
  • Worldwide Ribus: Kilimanjaro. “In 2002 I was on a 3-month voluntary English teaching placement, in Ngaramtoni, Arusha, Tanzania. Another volunteer had finished his placement and had pre-arranged a hike to climb Killimanjaro, luckily this coincided with the national school holidays in Tanzania, was offered a spot to join the hike, thankfully I accpeted the opportunity. Living at altitude for some time in the village prior to the hike, must have helped, as we summitted with no issues of altitude sickness.
  • Notes: A quiet 2024 on the slopes, with the one enjoyable hike to Merbabu, up and down via the Thekalan route, via Salatiga.

    Also to note, several successful hikes, however not to the true summits: to Agung crater rim (2016), Kie Besi (2015), Egon (2017), Gamalama (2015), Ili Wukoh (2017), Lewotobi (2017), Pulosari crater (2020) and Puntang (Malabar, 2020).

  • Ranking: 15
  • Name: Wolfgang Piecha
  • Nationality: German
  • Year of Birth:
  • Number of Ribus: 22
  • Number of Spesials: 5
  • Worldwide Ribus: 8
  • Ribus: Agung, Argopuro, Arjuno, Ciremai, Dempo, Egon, Gamalama, Gamkonora, Ijen-Merapi, Jailolo, Kerinci, Lawu, Liman, Merapi, Merbabu, Pangrango, Rinjani, Semeru, Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing, Tambora
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Batur, Bromo (Pananjakan), Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Sebesi
  • Worldwide Ribus: Avachinsky (Russia), Iztaccihuatl (Mexico), Malinche (Mexico), Nevado de Toluca (Mexico), Ras Dashen (Ethiopia), Sněžka (Poland / Czech), Tacana (Mexico), Tolbachik (Russia)
  • Notes:In 2024 I joined the Java Lava in Exiles for the tour to Picos de Europa in northeastern Spain in June. Some of us hiked to the summit of Torre de los Horcados Rojos, an alpine peak with 2.503m. The trail started at the mountain station of the cable car Fuente De at 1.800m. Next Year the Java Lava in Exiles will hike in Calabria/Italy.” Has stayed two nights on the crater base of Tambora (2012), also climbed to the craters of Raung, Kie Besi, Salahatu (without reaching the true summits), visited Papandayan and Kelud. “Kilimanjaro I hiked to the second highest point, only, Gilman’s point at 5.685 m (2014)”
  • Ranking: 16
  • Name: Paul Lemaistre
  • Nationality: French
  • Year of Birth: 1985
  • Number of Ribus: 21
  • Number of Spesials: 5
  • Worldwide Ribus: 1
  • Ribus: Kerinci, Rinjani, Semeru, Lawu, Agung, Arjuno, Merbabu, Pangrango, Cikuray, Kinabalu, Klabat, Sindoro, Singgalang, Salak, Muria, Merapi, Bukittunggul, Ungaran, Tampomas, Batukaru, Penanggungan
  • Spesials: Tangkuban Parahu, Batur, Parang, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Bromo (Pananjakan)
  • Worldwide Ribus: Table Mountain (South Africa)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.”
  • Ranking: 17
  • Name: Hélène Terrenoire
  • Nationality: French
  • Year of Birth: 1983
  • Number of Ribus: 20
  • Number of Spesials: 7
  • Worldwide Ribus: 9
  • Ribus: Batukaru, Bukittungul, Cikuray, Ciremai, Ebulobo, Gamkonora, Inerie, Karang, Kerinci, Klabat, Lawu, Merbabu, Muria, Mutis, Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rinjani, Semeru, Tambora, Ungaran
  • Spesials: Batur, Dieng (Prahu), Lokon, Kelimutu (Inspiration Point), Patuha, Sidole, Tangkuban Prahu
  • Worldwide Ribus: Acatenango (Guatemala), Djebel Anghomar (Morocco), Djebel M’Goun (Morocco), Djebel Toubkal (Morocco), Irazu (Costa Rica), Pico Ruivo (Portugal), Santa Ana (El Salvador), Santa Maria (Guatemala), Tajumulco (Guatemala)
  • Notes: “Last summer 2024, I went on a 20 days hiking trip across the High Atlas in Morocco. I had the opportunity to discover the Berbere territory, an amazing trip throughout valleys, altitude plateau, isolated villages and mineral landscapes. We walked across 250 km under scorching hot temperatures I must admit, even at high altitude. I bagged three summits Djebel Anghomar (3607 m), Djebel M’Goun (4071 m) and the highest summit of the country Djebel Toubkal (4167 m).” Other ribus/specials visited without reaching the true summit for some reason (active, too dangerous, miscellaneous…) : -Ribus : Agung (rim, Pura Pasar Agung route), Egon, Gamalama, Ijen (Kawah), Ili Wukoh (first summit Ili Ledo), Lewotobi Perempuan (rim), Papandayan (Tegal Alun), Salak (Kawah Ratu) -Specials : Anak Krakatau, Bromo (Seruni Point), Dukono, Kaba, Pulau Weh (Cot Kulam), Tujuh.
  • Ranking: 18
  • Name: William Daniel
  • Nationality: British
  • Year of Birth: 1954
  • Number of Ribus: 20
  • Number of Spesials: 6
  • Worldwide Ribus: 1
  • Ribus: Argopuro, Arjuno, Batukaru (2021), Butak, Ciremai, Dempo, Karang (2021), Kerinci, Lawu, Merapi (1982 & 1989), Merbabu, Muria (2021), Pangrango, Penanggungan, Rinjani, Salak, Semeru (1982), Sindoro, Slamet, Sumbing
  • Spesials: Anak Krakatau, Banda Api (1982), Batur, Bromo, Dieng (Prau), Tangkuban Prahu
  • Worldwide Ribus: Fuji (Japan)
  • Notes: “No notes for 2024.” “Raung with D.Quinn of this parish, but not the true summit; Tambora but only to Pos 4 (fell ill); Malabar range but not to Puncak Besar. I am sure there are other worldwide ones given I used to clamber around available peaks in Colombia, Morocco, The Yemen and elsewhere, but memories fade.”

Why Have a Hall of Fame?

Ribus are based on objective criteria (i.e 1,000 metre prominence) and so we hope to utilise this to keep a record of people’s hiking achievements – if they want to be included. Given the immensity of the challenge of climbing all the Ribus in Indonesia, Malaysia and East Timor (and the fact that nobody knew where they all were until now) it is impossible that anyone will have climbed all of them. Indeed, we think that at present no single person has reached the top of more than about 100 Ribus in Southeast Asia, although it is probable that at least 150 peaks on the list for Indonesia, Malaysia and East Timor are relatively accessible and have been climbed on at least several occasions (though many requiring a week-long trek or more). Perhaps 75-100 Ribus in Indonesia/ Malaysia/East Timor are visited by hikers on at least a weekly basis during the dry season.

Since the full introduction on the site of all Ribus in Malaysia in 2018, Malaysian hikers might like to note that it is possible to get into the Hall of Fame with Malaysian peaks alone, as there are over 20 Malaysian Ribus (32 in total, but not including border peaks in Borneo such as Berumput / Kanyi which is listed on our site on the page for West Kalimantan). However, a handful of these are pretty obscure! We look forward to adding you to the list soon!

For those hikers who wish to keep a record of their global Ribu bagging exploits (anything outside of Indonesia, Malaysia and East Timor which is obviously not covered on the Gunung Bagging website), the Peakbagger website is probably the best place to do so. As of January 2024, there are 7151 Ribus identified across the world.

Hall of Fame Criteria

If you have climbed 20 or more Ribus (excluding Spesial peaks) you can join the Gunung Bagging Hall of Fame. If you would like to be added, please contact us with a list of your bagged Ribus and Spesials, and including any “significant attempts” when you came close but failed to reach the absolute summit for some reason. There can be many reasons for failing to reach the summit:

  • Volcanic activity (or the weather) can make it too dangerous to reach the highest point. The trek to Merapi (Central Java) is an example of a relatively straightforward hike to the summit area of a volcano, but not to the summit itself (which was completely altered, in 2006 and most recently in the 2010 eruption). Hikers who visited the highest point prior to 2006 (Garuda’s Wing) can reasonably claim to have reached the summit if they managed to get their head above the highest point of the huge piece of rock. Between 2006 and 2010 however, the highest point was part of a new lava dome which was simply too dangerous and utterly irresponsible to visit. However, since the 2010 eruptions, the summit area is vastly different once again – with a new 400m wide crater. Hikers are now encouraged not to visit the summit due to the dangers.
  • Technical climbing skills are required. Gunung Raung (East Java), Puncak Trikora (Papua) and Egon (East Nusa Tenggara) require climbing ropes and/or intermediate rock-climbing skills in order to reach the highest point.
  • Dense vegetation / jungle / no trail. Some peaks are covered in dense vegetation. Occasionally, finding a route to the top can be very difficult, if not impossible. Trails become overgrown quickly and if tops are not visited for a number of years the vegetation can become so dense that there is no visible trail and/or the vegetation is just too dense to walk through. Papandayan and Galunggung (Beuticanar), both in West Java, are notable examples of overgrown trails. Marapi in West Sumatra is not baggable by any conventional route, although a handful of hikers have opened up a new trail which does reach the true summit. We hope this site will help encourage new hiking routes and the regeneration of old, forgotten trails.
  • Mystifying legal reasons. There are a number of peaks in Java (and elsewhere) officially closed to the general public. This a fairly recent problem – peaks which were often climbed in the past have been closed by Forestry or National Park authorities, mainly because they do not have sufficient resources to maintain a network of trails in the short-term even though in the long-term the amount of tourism revenue would probably be high if people knew of their existence. Annoyingly, waivers stating you are entirely responsible for your safety and behaviour (which you would be normally, anyway) are rarely granted except to scientists conducting research. It’s a lose-lose situation but in general Indonesian hikers don’t seem to mind and the media have bigger fish to fry. You can either enter the lengthy and expensive process of negotiation with authorities or just get on with it and try to climb them anyway.
  • Not knowing where the summit actually is. A less common and more humorous reason for not reaching the highest point will be simply that you didn’t know where the very top was, perhaps due to excessive vegetation or a very flat mountain top with several peaks of seemingly similar elevation. Even a guide might not actually know where the true summit is and they can even get you lost. Liman, Palung (Ponti) and Rajabasa fall into this category but we have tried to provide information on this site which specifies the likely highest point.

Of course, reaching the highest point is not the most important part of going for a hike and considering the dangers you may face it is occasionally unwise to attempt at all. However, we want to keep this list as stringent and professional as other mountain lists worldwide. For Gunung Bagging purposes, (and despite probable accusations of pedantry!) this means that if you haven’t reached the highest point then you can’t claim to have ‘bagged’ it. However, be sure to mention such attempts in your email to us so that other hikers know what to expect on tricky or particularly active peaks.

Known Difficult Peaks

Many of the Ribus and Spesials are very hard to conquer! This is due to a number of reasons. The highest point may be in dense vegetation with no path whatsoever, part of an active lava dome, on a knife-edged crater rim or ridge, in a tribal conflict area or require moderate rock climbing skills or a hike of two weeks or more! Here is an initial list of some of the trickier summits that we know about so far – please see individual mountain pages for more details. N.B. Most peaks in Kalimantan and Papua are likely to be very difficult. We hope to make updates as and when we have new information. We also hope to conduct expeditions to these summits if/when it is safe to do so. Java:

  • Papandayan (Malang) – The true summit is in moderately dense vegetation although one group from Bandung reached the top in June 2015 and we reached the top in June 2017.
  • Parang – The summit is in dense vegetation but we finally reached the top in June 2017.
  • Kelud – The summit rocks require rock climbing skills – ropes are needed for safety.
  • Liman – this remote mountain is difficult to reach given the terrain (rarely-used) and lack of local knowledge about what is a very complex range of peaks. But it’s getting easier as more local hikers explore this mountain.
  • Lamongan (Tarub) – The summit is rarely visited and overgrown. In October 2008, local hiking enthusiast Pak Iwan Erfanto led what was one of only a handful of recent expeditions to the summit of Tarub from Klakah via Lamongan, taking 4 days there and back. Gunung Bagging went to Tarub in January 2011 from Ranu Gedang.
  • Ijen (Merapi) – Whilst Ijen crater is very popular with visitors, the top of the massif, Gunung Merapi, is hardly ever visited. It is a great place – there are several sandy craters to explore. The highest point is covered in dense vegetation. Java Lava either reached the summit or got very close indeed in 2006 but since then most attempts have been thwarted by the density of the vegetation. However, two hikers reached the old trig point which marks the true peak in 2013 and one hiker allegedly bagged the summit in 2017 (and another in 2019).
  • Baluran – None of our requests to hike to the summit have been granted by the Park. Technically not a difficult peak to reach, but bureaucratically a very difficult one.
  • Sumbing – The highest point of the crater rim is mildly difficult to reach. Confident scramblers should have no difficulty.
  • Raung – The highest point of the crater rim is difficult to reach. It requires a long hike in and ropes for rock climbing.
  • Merapi– technically not allowed to go beyond Pasar Bubrah now due to the dangers (but loads of hikers do go anyway).

Peninsular Malaysia:

  • Ulu Kali – Private road with no public access on summit.
  • Jerai – Private compound with no public access on summit.
  • Raya (Langkawi) – Private compound with no public access on summit.
  • Western Hill (Penang) – Private compound with no public access on summit.


  • Karangetang – The volcano is incredibly active and dangerous.
  • Tondongkarambu – Reaching the ridge of this mountain is easy enough from local villages. But the summit is about 4km away!
  • Gawalise – Locals at Desa Kalora are hostile to hikers. A very sad situation for such a (in normal circumstances) accessible mountain. The true summit is also very rarely visited. Try via Salena instead.
  • Sabampolulu – Several groups have hiked as far as the second-highest peak (Pos 9) on this beautiful mountain, but there are no reports of anyone having reached the true summit, which due to cliffs would need to be approached from a different direction.


  • Bukit Jempol – Only roped rock climbers dare attempt ascend the vertical summit cliffs.
  • Kaba – There is a great trail around the active double-crater. But the highest point of the massif appears to be in dense vegetation to the west.
  • Pangulubao – The trig pillar is visited at least once a year but the true highpoint likely 1.8km along a densely forested ridge from there.
  • Pantaicermin – A hunter’s trail snakes through the forest but misses out the true summit. You might need a day or so to make a fresh trail along to it.
  • Tujuh – The climb to the summit is very steep and has apparently only been climbed once or twice.


  • Salahutu – Although local hikers climb to a lesser nearby top, the highest peak of the range is rarely visited and if there is a trail it is likely to be very vague.
  • Binaiya – Despite being one of Indonesia’s “Seven Summits”, the true peak of Binaiya is also known as the forbidden peak because technically it is a nature reserve. This may change, as several groups have documented their trips to the true peak recently.

Nusa Tenggara Timur:

  • Curunumbeng – There appears to be no trail to the summit, at least not from the eastern side of the mountain.
  • Egon – The highest point of the crater rim is difficult to reach. It requires good scrambling skills over very exposed and slippery terrain. Rob Woodall made a complete circuit of the rim in August 2010 and Wolfgang Piecha reached the summit on a Java Lava trip in April 2009.

Kepulauan Riau

  • Daik – Apparently it is a very difficult rock climb and only the second-highest rock pillar has been successfully bagged.


  • Puncak Trikora – Ropes are needed for a rock climb at the very top.
  • Arfak – There is a current conflict between two neighbouring tribes which makes access to the peak rather difficult.
  • Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) – Indonesia’s highest mountain is very expensive – especially for foreigners – and rock climbing skills are needed.


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