

Bagging It!

We currently know very little about this peak – please contact us if you can provide any information.


    • Getting there: Unknown
    • Accommodation: Unknown
    • Permits: Unknown
    • Water sources: Unknown
Local Average Monthly Rainfall (mm): balikpapan


1 thought on “Belayan”

  1. A peak not a million miles away from Belayan (but not that close either!) is Kong Kemul, an obscure gunung but one that has a Wikipedia page presumably due to it being a good mountain for a couple of rare pitcher plant species. Kemul, as it is also simply known, is a complex range of different peaks, including the main ridge which is about 1,847m as Wikipedia says, but with a higher peak at around 2,035m a few kms away. Alas, Kemul is not a Ribu, having only 733m prominence (Belayan is the mother mountain) but given that there is to be an expedition here this summer by some botanists, we may well give it its own page should there be sufficient information or just a decent enough reason to publish a trip report on it. It is one of the most remote mountains in Borneo.

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