


The steep and impressive Gunung Bongkok lies just to the south of the equally imposing Gunung Parang. They are both of great interest to rock climbers as there are various vertical rock faces on their slopes. This lovely area can easily be explored on a day-trip from Jakarta.

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Occasionally people email to ask about the huge massif known as Anjasmoro to the west of Arjuno-Welirang. This is a vast and, for Java, wild range. At the time of writing unless you are on the Wonosalam or Rejosari routes you are unlikely to meet any other hiking groups at all, even on weekends!

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Gunung Butak is the highest mountain of a large range west of Malang, East Java. As it is under 3,000m in elevation, it is less popular than other, higher peaks in the region (many of which can be seen from the top). There is a delightful grassy meadow near the summit called Cemoro Kandang which is perfect for camping and the views at the top are spectacular.

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Muria is actually a mountain range with different peaks, of which Songolikur is the highest. Despite the spectacular views of the Central Java mountains and northern coastline from the summit, and the shortness of the hike itself, relatively few hikers come from afar specifically in order to climb it.

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